Tutorial: Reversible-Jump MCMC in Gen (with applications to Program Synthesis)
What is this notebook about?
In earlier tutorials, we saw how to write custom Metropolis-Hastings proposals and stitch them together to craft our own MCMC algorithms. Recall that to write a custom MH proposal, it was necessary to define a generative function that accepted as an argument the previous trace, and proposed a new trace by “acting out” the model, that is, by sampling new proposed values of random choices at the same addresses used by the model.
For example, a random walk proposal for the addresses :x
and :y
might have looked like this:
@gen function random_walk_proposal(previous_trace)
x ~ normal(previous_trace[:x], 0.1)
y ~ normal(previous_trace[:y], 0.2)
This pattern implies a severe restriction on the kinds of proposals we can write: the new x
and y
values must be sampled directly from a Ggen distribution (e.g., normal
). For example, it is impossible to use this pattern to define a proposal that deterministcally swaps the current x
and y
In this notebook, you’ll learn a more flexible approach to defining custom MH proposals. The technique is widely applicable, but is particularly well-suited to models with discrete and continuous parameters, where the discrete parameters determine which continuous parameters exist.
The polynomial curve-fitting demo we saw in the last problem set is one simple example: the discrete parameter degree
determines which coefficient parameters exist. This situation is also common in program synthesis: discrete variables determine a program’s structure, but the values inside the program may be continuous.
Section 1. Recap of the piecewise-function model
Section 2. Basic Metropolis-Hastings inference
Section 3. Reversilbe-Jump “Split-Merge” proposals
Section 4. Bayesian program synthesis of GP kernels
Section 5. A tree regeneration proposal
using Gen, GenDistributions, Plots, Logging
1. Recap of the piecewise-constant function model
In the intro to modeling tutorial, you worked with a model of piecewise constant functions, with unknown changepoints. Here, we model the same scenario, but somewhat differently.
Given a dataset of xs
, our model will randomly divide the range (xmin, xmax)
into a random number of segments.
It does this by sampling a number of segments (:segment_count
), then sampling a vector of proportions from a Dirichlet distribution (:fractions
). The vector is guaranteed to sum to 1: if there are, say, three segments, this vector might be [0.3, 0.5, 0.2]
. The length of each segment is the fraction of the interval assigned to it, times the length of the entire interval, e.g. 0.2 * (xmax - xmin)
. For each segmment, we generate a y
value from a normal distribution. Finally, we sample the y
values near the piecewise constant function described by the segments.
Using @dist
to define new distributions for convenience
To sample the number of segments, we need a distribution with support only on the positive integers. We create one using the Distributions DSL:
# A distribution that is guaranteed to be 1 or higher.
@dist poisson_plus_one(rate) = poisson(rate) + 1;
Distributions declared with @dist
can be used to make random choices inside of Gen models.
Behind the scenes, @dist
has analyzed the code and figured out how to evaluate the logpdf
or log density, of our newly defined distribution. So we can ask, e.g., what the density of
is at the point 3
logpdf(poisson_plus_one, 3, 1)
Note that this is the same as the logpdf of poisson(1)
at the point 2
— @dist
’s main job is to
automate the logic of converting the above call into this one:
logpdf(poisson, 2, 1)
Writing the model
We can now write the model itself. It is relatively straightforward, though there are a few things you may not have seen before:
List comprehensions allow you to create a list without writing an entire for loop. For example,
[{(:segments, i)} ~ normal(0, 1) for i=1:segment_count]
creates a list of elements, one for eachi
in the range[1, ..., segment_count]
, each of which is generated using the expression{(:segments, i)} ~ normal(0, 1)
. -
The Dirichlet distribution is a distribution over the simplex of vectors whose elements sum to 1. We use it to generate the fractions of the entire interval (x_min, x_max) that each segment of our piecewise function covers.
The logic to generate the
points is as follows: we compute the cumulative fractionscumfracs = cumsum(fractions)
, such thatxmin + (xmax - xmin) * cumfracs[j]
is the x-value of the right endpoint of thej
th segment. Then we sample at each address(:y, i)
a normal whose mean is the y-value of the segment that containsxs[i]
@gen function piecewise_constant(xs::Vector{Float64})
# Generate a number of segments (at least 1)
segment_count ~ poisson_plus_one(1)
# To determine changepoints, draw a vector on the simplex from a Dirichlet
# distribution. This gives us the proportions of the entire interval that each
# segment takes up. (The entire interval is determined by the minimum and maximum
# x values.)
fractions ~ dirichlet([1.0 for i=1:segment_count])
# Generate values for each segment
segments = [{(:segments, i)} ~ normal(0, 1) for i=1:segment_count]
# Determine a global noise level
noise ~ gamma(1, 1)
# Generate the y points for the input x points
xmin, xmax = extrema(xs)
cumfracs = cumsum(fractions)
# Correct numeric issue: `cumfracs[end]` might be 0.999999
@assert cumfracs[end] ≈ 1.0
cumfracs[end] = 1.0
inds = [findfirst(frac -> frac >= (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin),
cumfracs) for x in xs]
segment_values = segments[inds]
for (i, val) in enumerate(segment_values)
{(:y, i)} ~ normal(val, noise)
Let’s understand its behavior by visualizing several runs of the model. We begin by creating a simple dataset of xs, evenly spaced between -5 and 5.
xs_dense = collect(range(-5, stop=5, length=50));
Don’t worry about understanding the following code, which we use for visualization.
function trace_to_dict(tr)
Dict(:values => [tr[(:segments, i)] for i=1:(tr[:segment_count])],
:fracs => tr[:fractions], :n => tr[:segment_count], :noise => tr[:noise],
:ys => [tr[(:y, i)] for i=1:length(xs_dense)])
function visualize_trace(tr; title="")
xs, = get_args(tr)
tr = trace_to_dict(tr)
scatter(xs, tr[:ys], label=nothing, xlabel="X", ylabel="Y")
cumfracs = [0.0, cumsum(tr[:fracs])...]
xmin = minimum(xs)
xmax = maximum(xs)
for i in 1:tr[:n]
segment_xs = [xmin + cumfracs[i] * (xmax - xmin), xmin + cumfracs[i+1] * (xmax - xmin)]
segment_ys = fill(tr[:values][i], 2)
plot!(segment_xs, segment_ys, label=nothing, linewidth=4)
traces = [simulate(piecewise_constant, (xs_dense,)) for _ in 1:9]
plot([visualize_trace(t) for t in traces]...)
Many of the samples involve only one segment, but many of them involve more. The level of noise also varies from sample to sample.
2. Basic Metropolis-Hastings inference
Let’s create three synthetic datasets, each more challenging than the last, to test out our inference capabilities.
ys_simple = ones(length(xs_dense)) .+ randn(length(xs_dense)) * 0.1
ys_medium = Base.ifelse.(Int.(floor.(abs.(xs_dense ./ 3))) .% 2 .== 0,
2, 0) .+ randn(length(xs_dense)) * 0.1;
ys_complex = Int.(floor.(abs.(xs_dense ./ 2))) .% 5 .+ randn(length(xs_dense)) * 0.1;
We’ll need a helper function for creating a choicemap of constraints from a vector of ys
function make_constraints(ys)
choicemap([(:y, i) => ys[i] for i=1:length(ys)]...)
As we saw in the last problem set, importance sampling does a decent job on the simple dataset:
traces = [first(importance_resampling(piecewise_constant, (xs_dense,), make_constraints(ys_simple), 5000)) for _ in 1:NUM_CHAINS]
Plots.plot([visualize_trace(t) for t in traces]...)
But on the complex dataset, it takes many more particles (here, we use 50,000) to do even an OK job:
traces = [first(importance_resampling(piecewise_constant, (xs_dense,), make_constraints(ys_complex), 50000)) for _ in 1:9]
scores = [get_score(t) for t in traces]
println("Log mean score: $(logsumexp(scores)-log(NUM_CHAINS))")
Plots.plot([visualize_trace(t) for t in traces]...)
Log mean score: -37.681098516181876
Let’s try instead to write a simple Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to tackle the problem.
First, some visualization code (feel free to ignore it!).
function visualize_mh_alg(xs, ys, update, frames=200, iters_per_frame=1, N=NUM_CHAINS; verbose=true)
traces = [first(generate(piecewise_constant, (xs,), make_constraints(ys))) for _ in 1:N]
viz = Plots.@animate for i in 1:frames
if i*iters_per_frame % 100 == 0 && verbose
println("Iteration $(i*iters_per_frame)")
for j in 1:N
for k in 1:iters_per_frame
traces[j] = update(traces[j], xs, ys)
Plots.plot([visualize_trace(t; title=(j == 2 ? "Iteration $(i*iters_per_frame)/$(frames*iters_per_frame)" : "")) for (j,t) in enumerate(traces)]...)#, layout=l)
scores = [Gen.get_score(t) for t in traces]
println("Log mean score: $(logsumexp(scores) - log(N))")
And now the MH algorithm itself.
We’ll use a basic Block Resimulation sampler, which cycles through the following blocks of variables:
Block 1:
. Resampling these tries proposing a completely new division of the interval into pieces. However, it reuses the(:segments, i)
values wherever possible; that is, if we currently have three segments and:segment_count
is proposed to change to 5, only two new segment values will be sampled. -
Block 2:
. This proposal tries leaving the number of segments the same, but resamples their relative lengths. -
Block 3:
. This proposal adjusts the global noise parameter. -
Blocks 4 and up:
(:segments, i)
. Tries separately proposing new values for each segment (and accepts or rejects each proposal independently).
function simple_update(tr, xs, ys)
tr, = mh(tr, select(:segment_count, :fractions))
tr, = mh(tr, select(:fractions))
tr, = mh(tr, select(:noise))
for i=1:tr[:segment_count]
tr, = mh(tr, select((:segments, i)))
simple_update (generic function with 1 method)
Our algorithm makes quick work of the simple dataset:
visualize_mh_alg(xs_dense, ys_simple, simple_update, 100, 1)
Iteration 100
Log mean score: 46.82126477547658
On the medium dataset, it does an OK job with less computation than we used in importance sampling:
visualize_mh_alg(xs_dense, ys_medium, simple_update, 50, 10)
Iteration 100
Iteration 200
Iteration 300
Iteration 400
Iteration 500
Log mean score: 17.75535817726937
But on the complex dataset, it is still unreliable:
visualize_mh_alg(xs_dense, ys_complex, simple_update, 50, 10)
Iteration 100
Iteration 200
Iteration 300
Iteration 400
Iteration 500
Log mean score: -30.43054336514916
One problem with the simple block resimulation algorithm is that the proposals for (:segments, i)
totally uninformed by the data. In this problem, you’ll write a custom proposal (using the techniques we
covered in Problem Set 1B) that uses the data to propose good values of y
for each segment.
Write a generative function segments_proposal
that can serve as a smart proposal distribution for
this problem. It should:
- Propose a new
(the prior). - Propose a new
fromdirichlet([1.0 for i=1:segment_count])
(the prior). - In each segment, propose the function value
(:segments, i)
to be (a noisy version of) the average of they
values in our dataset from the given segment. Draw(:segments, i)
from a normal distribution with that mean, and a small standard deviation (e.g. 0.3).
We will use this proposal to replace the “Block 1” move from our previous algorithm. This should
make it easier to have proposals accepted, because whenever we propose a new segmentation of the
interval, we propose it with reasonable y
values attached.
We have provided some starter code:
@gen function segments_proposal(t,xs, ys)
xmin, xmax = minimum(xs), maximum(xs)
x_range = xmax - xmin
# Propose segment_count and fractions
# <edit the next two lines>
segment_count = nothing
fractions = nothing
for i=1:segment_count
# Propose (:segments, i) from a normal distribution
# <your code here; and edit the next line>
{(:segments, i)} ~ normal(nothing, nothing)
We define custom_update
to use segments_proposal
in place of the first block from simple_update
function custom_update(tr, xs, ys)
(tr, _) = mh(tr, segments_proposal, (xs, ys))
(tr, _) = mh(tr, select(:fractions))
(tr, _) = mh(tr, select(:noise))
for i=1:(tr[:segment_count])
(tr, _) = mh(tr, select((:segments, i)))
custom_update (generic function with 1 method)
Let’s see how this one does on each dataset:
visualize_mh_alg(xs_dense, ys_medium, custom_update, 50, 10)
Iteration 100
Iteration 200
Iteration 300
Iteration 400
Iteration 500
Log mean score: 40.45738893036163
visualize_mh_alg(xs_dense, ys_complex, custom_update, 50, 10)
Iteration 100
Iteration 200
Iteration 300
Iteration 400
Iteration 500
Log mean score: -19.739460952009143
This will often outperform the simplest MH solution, but still leaves something to be desired. The smart segment_proposal
helps find good function values for each segment, but doesn’t help us in cases where the segment proportions are wrong; in these cases, the model just decides that noise must be high.
3. Involution MH for Split-Merge proposals
How might we improve on the MH algorithms from the previous section, to more effectively search for good values of the fractions
One approach is to add new proposals to the mix that iteratively refine the fractions
, rather than
relying on blind resimulation. A natural strategy might be to add split and merge proposals:
- A split chooses a segment to break into two pieces at a random point (and chooses new values for the two segments).
- A merge chooses two adjacent segments to merge together into one segment (with a shared value).
MCMC, Metropolis-Hastings, and Reversibility
Note that alone, neither of these two proposals makes for a valid Metropolis-Hastings transition proposal. Why? One requirement of MCMC algorithms is that each transition kernel (kernel, not proposal: in MH, the kernel includes the accept-reject step) leave the posterior distribution stationary. What does this mean? Suppose we somehow obtained an oracle that let us sample a trace from the exact posterior, $t \sim p(t \mid \text{observations})$. Then if we run an MCMC transition kernel $T$ on the trace to obtain a new trace $t’ \sim T(t’ \leftarrow t)$, the marginal distribution of $t’$ should still be the posterior. In simpler terms, no one should be able to tell the difference between “traces sampled from the posterior” (i.e., using the output of the oracle directly) and “traces sampled from the posterior then sent through a transition kernel” (i.e., passing the output of the oracle as the input to the transition kernel and using the result). As a formula,
\[\int p(t \mid \text{observations}) \, T(t' \leftarrow t) \, \mathrm{d}t = p(t' \mid \text{observations})\]Now suppose we set our transition kernel $T$ to a Metropolis-Hastings split
move. The split
always increases the number of segments. So if t
comes from the true posterior, then the distribution
of t'
, in terms of number of segments, will necessarily be shifted upward (unless MH deterministically
rejects every proposal – which is what MH in Gen will do if given a split
proposal). The same issue exists,
in reverse, for the merge
In general, this “stationarity” rule means that our Metropolis-Hastings proposals must be reversible, meaning that if there is some probability that a proposal can take you from one region of the state space to another, it must also have some probability of sending you back from the new region to the old region. If this criterion is satisfied, then the MH accept-reject step can accept and reject proposals with the proper probabilities to ensure that the stationarity property described above holds.
To make “split” and “merge” fulfill this “reversibility” criterion, we can think of them as a constituting a single proposal, which randomly chooses whether to split or merge at each iteration. This is an example of a reversible-jump proposal [1].
- Green, Peter J., and David I. Hastie. “Reversible jump MCMC.” Genetics 155.3 (2009): 1391-1403.
Implementing Split-Merge in Gen
This is a sensible proposal. But if we try to write this proposal in Gen, we quickly hit several roadblocks. For example:
- The proposal needs to make several random choices that are not meant to serve as proposals for corresponding random choices in the model. For example, the proposal must decide whether to “split” or “merge,” and then it needs to decide at which index it will split or merge. But Gen interprets every traced random choice made by a proposal as corresponding to some choice in the model.
- Once we choose to split (or merge), it’s unclear how we should propose to the various
relevant addresses: from what distribution should the proposal sample
, for example? What we need is to propose a deterministic value forfractions
, based on the random choices the proposal makes.
To get around these issues, Gen provides a variant of Metropolis-Hastings that is a bit trickier to use but is ultimately more flexible.
The idea is this: first, we write a generative function that samples all the randomness the proposal will require. In our case, this will involve
- choosing whether to split or merge
- choosing at what index the split or merge will happen
- if splitting, choosing where in a segment to split
- choosing new values for merged segments or newly created split segments
@gen function split_merge_proposal_randomness(t)
old_n = t[:segment_count]
# Choose whether to split (T) or to merge (F), keeping in mind
# that if old_n == 1, then our decision is made for us
# (split).
if ({:split_or_merge} ~ bernoulli(old_n == 1 ? 1 : 0.3))
# split
# What index to split at?
index ~ uniform_discrete(1,old_n)
# Where is the splitting point, relative to the segment being split?
split_percentage ~ uniform(0, 1)
# New values for the two new segments
new_value_1 ~ normal(t[(:segments, index)], 0.1)
new_value_2 ~ normal(t[(:segments, index)], 0.1)
# merge
# What index to merge at? (Merge index i and i + 1)
index ~ uniform_discrete(1, old_n-1) # merge i and i+1
# Sample a new value for the merged segment, near the mean of the
# two existing segments.
new_value ~ normal((t[(:segments, index)] + t[(:segments, index+1)]) / 2.0, 0.1)
Let’s look at what this function samples:
tr, = generate(piecewise_constant, (xs_dense,), make_constraints(ys_complex,));
get_choices(simulate(split_merge_proposal_randomness, (tr,)))
├── :index : 1
├── :split_or_merge : true
├── :new_value_2 : -0.12211827468079874
├── :split_percentage : 0.7179861487246315
└── :new_value_1 : -0.07557249242625629
We now need to write an ordinary Julia function that tells Gen how to use the proposal randomness generated by the generative function above to create a proposed next trace for Metropolis-Hastings.
The function takes four inputs:
- The previous trace
- The proposal randomness generated by our generative function above,
- The return value of the generative function we defined,
– we won’t use this for now - The arguments, other than
, that were used to generateforward_randomness
from the generative function written above. In our case, that function has no additional arguments, so this will always be empty.
It is supposed to return three outputs:
: an updated trace to propose. We can construct this however we want based ont
: a choicemap for theproposal_randomness
generative function, capable of “sendingnew_trace
back to the old tracet
”. For example, if we are enacting asplit
proposal, this would specify the precisemerge
proposal necessary to undo the split. This serves as “proof” that our proposal really is reversible.weight
: usually,get_score(new_trace) - get_score(t)
. The reason we need to return this is that it is possible to write proposals that need to return something different here; if your proposal involves deterministically transforming continuous random variables in non-volume-preserving ways, see the Gen documentation for details on howweight
should change. In this notebook,weight
will always beget_score(new_trace) - get_score(t)
We call the Julia function an involution, because it must have the following property.
Suppose we propose a new trace using proposal_randomness_func
and then our Julia function
forward_choices = get_choices(simulate(proposal_randomness_func, (old_trace,)))
new_trace, backward_choices, = f(old_trace, forward_choices, ...)
Now suppose we use backward_choices
and ask what f
would do to new_trace
back_to_the_first_trace_maybe, backward_backward_choices, = f(new_trace, backward_choices, ...)
Then we require that backward_backward_choices == forward_choices
, and that back_to_the_first_trace_maybe == old_trace
Here’s an involution for Split-Merge:
function involution(t, forward_choices, forward_retval, proposal_args)
# Goal: based on `forward_choices`, return a new trace
# and the `backward_choices` required to reverse this
# proposal.
new_trace_choices = choicemap()
backward_choices = choicemap()
# First, check whether we're dealing with a split or a merge.
split_or_merge = forward_choices[:split_or_merge]
# To reverse a split, use a merge (and vice versa)
backward_choices[:split_or_merge] = !split_or_merge
# Where is the split / merge occurring?
# Reversing the proposal would use the same index.
index = forward_choices[:index]
backward_choices[:index] = index
# Now we handle the segment values and proportions.
# First, pull out the existing values from the previous
# trace `t`. IMPORTANT NOTE: we need to `copy`
# `t[:fractions]`, because we intend to perform mutating
# Julia operations like `insert!` and `deleteat!` on it,
# but do not wish to change the memory underlying the
# original trace `t` (in case the proposal is rejected
# and we need to return to the original trace).
fractions = copy(t[:fractions])
segment_values = [t[(:segments, i)] for i=1:t[:segment_count]]
# How we update `fractions` and `segment_values` depends on
# whether this is a split or a merge.
if split_or_merge
# If this is a split, then add a new element at `index`,
# according to the split proportion.
insert!(fractions, index, fractions[index] * forward_choices[:split_percentage])
fractions[index + 1] *= (1 - forward_choices[:split_percentage])
# Segment values
backward_choices[:new_value] = segment_values[index]
segment_values[index] = forward_choices[:new_value_1]
insert!(segment_values, index, forward_choices[:new_value_2])
# If this is a merge, then combine the two segments `index`
# and `index + 1`.
proportion = fractions[index] / (fractions[index] + fractions[index + 1])
fractions[index] += fractions[index + 1]
deleteat!(fractions, index + 1)
# Set the relevant segment values.
backward_choices[:new_value_1] = segment_values[index]
backward_choices[:new_value_2] = segment_values[index + 1]
backward_choices[:split_percentage] = proportion
segment_values[index] = forward_choices[:new_value]
deleteat!(segment_values, index + 1)
# Fill a choicemap of the newly proposed trace's values
new_trace_choices[:fractions] = fractions
for (i, value) in enumerate(segment_values)
new_trace_choices[(:segments, i)] = value
new_trace_choices[:segment_count] = length(fractions)
# Obtain an updated trace matching the choicemap, and a weight
new_trace, weight, = update(t, get_args(t), (NoChange(),), new_trace_choices)
(new_trace, backward_choices, weight)
involution (generic function with 1 method)
Look at the last two lines of the involution. The involution is responsible for returning a new trace, not just a new choicemap. So, the common pattern to follow in involutions is:
- Throughout the involution, fill a choicemap (here,
) with the updates that you want to make to the old tracet
. - At the end, call Gen’s
function, passing in (1) the old tracet
, (2) the model function’s arguments, (3) a tuple of “argdiffs” (in our case, we know that the argumentxs
has not changed, so we pass inNoChange()
), and (4) the choicemap of updates.update
returns two useful values: the new trace, and aweight
, which is equal toget_score(t') - get_score(t)
. This is the weight we need to return from the involution.
We can create a new MH update that uses our proposal, and test it on the new dataset:
@gen function mean_segments_proposal(t, xs, ys, i)
xmin, xmax = minimum(xs), maximum(xs)
x_range = xmax - xmin
fracs = t[:fractions]
min = xmin + x_range * sum(fracs[1:i-1])
max = xmin + x_range * sum(fracs[1:i])
relevant_ys = [y for (x,y) in zip(xs,ys) if x >= min && x <= max]
{(:segments, i)} ~ normal(sum(relevant_ys)/length(relevant_ys), 0.3)
function custom_update_inv(tr, xs, ys)
tr, accepted = mh(tr, split_merge_proposal_randomness, (), involution)
for i=1:tr[:segment_count]
tr, = mh(tr, mean_segments_proposal, (xs, ys, i))
tr, = mh(tr, select(:noise))
visualize_mh_alg(xs_dense, ys_complex, custom_update_inv, 75, 10)
Iteration 100
Iteration 200
Iteration 300
Iteration 400
Iteration 500
Iteration 600
Iteration 700
Log mean score: 26.43941395921412
Here are some possible “improvements” to the above split-merge proposal, which are all in fact invalid. For each, explain why it is invalid, and briefly describe a version of the suggested improvement that would be valid.
Proposed improvement: make the
smarter, by always settingsplit_proportion
to split somewhere between pointsi
, wherei
are the two adjacent datapoints that have the largest $|y_i - y_{i+1}|$ value. The precise split proportion can still be random, drawn so that the split occurs uniformly between $x_i$ and $x_{i+1}$ -
Proposed improvement: when choosing an index to split or merge, make smart choices: when splitting, choose the segment that currently explains its data least well (according to the likelihood of the
points that fall on the segment), and when merging, choose the two adjacent segments whose existing values are closest to one another. -
Proposed improvement: when splitting, do not sample
randomly; instead, in the involution, set them equal to the mean values of the datapoints that fall within their segment intervals.
4. Bayesian synthesis of Gaussian Process kernel programs
We now consider a more complex model, adapted from the Bayesian synthesis paper by Saad et al. that you saw in lecture.
Our goal is to analyze time-series data: for some sequence of times $t_1, t_2, \dots, t_n$, we have observed points $x(t_1), x(t_2), \dots, x(t_n)$. We’ll model a time series as arising from a Gaussian process with a particular covariance kernel. A covariance kernel is a function that takes in two times $t_1$ and $t_2$, and computes a covariance between the random variables $x(t_1)$ and $x(t_2)$. Different covariance kernels can encode various structured patterns in the data. For example:
A squared exponential kernel assigns high covariance to pairs of time points that are nearby, and lower covariance to pairs of time points that are far away. This kernel encodes a smoothness prior: the time series does not change drastically from one moment to the next.
A periodic kernel assigns a covariance that depends on $\sin(f \cdot \lvert t_1 - t_2 \rvert)$ for some frequency $f$. This allows it to assign high covariance to points that lie the “right” distance from one another, but not too near or too far, encoding a periodic structure: the time series is highly correlated with itself, some time earlier.
A constant kernel encodes some constant covariance between $x(t_1)$ and $x(t_2)$, no matter what $t_1$ and $t_2$ are.
These primitive kernels can be composed in various ways, e.g., addition and multiplication, to encode more complex features of time series.
The main inference task we address in this section will be to infer a covariance kernel that captures the structure of a time series. In particular, given a dataset of $t_i$, $x(t_i)$ pairs, we would like to infer a covariance kernel k
that makes the dataset likely under $GP(k)$, a Gaussian process with $k$ as a covariance kernel.
Covariance kernels will be represented by expressions in a simple domain-specific language (DSL). The simplest of these expressions are primitive kernels, each of which comes with one or more parameters:
Constant(param :: Float64)
Linear(param :: Float64)
SquaredExponential(length_scale :: Float64)
Periodic(scale :: Float64, period :: Float64)
Smaller expressions can be combined into larger ones using binary operations for addition and multiplication:
Plus(left, right)
Times(left, right)
Here, left
and right
are other covariance kernel expressions.
An expression, like Plus(Constant(0.3), Periodic(3.2, 1.9))
, can be viewed as a syntax tree.
Primitives form the leaf nodes of the tree; binary operations form the internal nodes, each of which has a left
and right
subtree. The code below defines this tree datatype for representing expressions, which we call Kernel
import LinearAlgebra
"""Node in a tree representing a covariance function"""
abstract type Kernel end
abstract type PrimitiveKernel <: Kernel end
abstract type CompositeKernel <: Kernel end
Number of nodes in the tree describing this kernel.
Base.size(::PrimitiveKernel) = 1
Base.size(node::CompositeKernel) = node.size
"""Constant kernel"""
struct Constant <: PrimitiveKernel
eval_cov(node::Constant, x1, x2) = node.param
function eval_cov_mat(node::Constant, xs::Vector{Float64})
n = length(xs)
fill(node.param, (n, n))
"""Linear kernel"""
struct Linear <: PrimitiveKernel
eval_cov(node::Linear, x1, x2) = (x1 - node.param) * (x2 - node.param)
function eval_cov_mat(node::Linear, xs::Vector{Float64})
xs_minus_param = xs .- node.param
xs_minus_param * xs_minus_param'
"""Squared exponential kernel"""
struct SquaredExponential <: PrimitiveKernel
eval_cov(node::SquaredExponential, x1, x2) =
exp(-0.5 * (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) / node.length_scale)
function eval_cov_mat(node::SquaredExponential, xs::Vector{Float64})
diff = xs .- xs'
exp.(-0.5 .* diff .* diff ./ node.length_scale)
"""Periodic kernel"""
struct Periodic <: PrimitiveKernel
function eval_cov(node::Periodic, x1, x2)
freq = 2 * pi / node.period
exp((-1/node.scale) * (sin(freq * abs(x1 - x2)))^2)
function eval_cov_mat(node::Periodic, xs::Vector{Float64})
freq = 2 * pi / node.period
abs_diff = abs.(xs .- xs')
exp.((-1/node.scale) .* (sin.(freq .* abs_diff)).^2)
"""Plus node"""
struct Plus <: CompositeKernel
Plus(left, right) = Plus(left, right, size(left) + size(right) + 1)
function eval_cov(node::Plus, x1, x2)
eval_cov(node.left, x1, x2) + eval_cov(node.right, x1, x2)
function eval_cov_mat(node::Plus, xs::Vector{Float64})
eval_cov_mat(node.left, xs) .+ eval_cov_mat(node.right, xs)
"""Times node"""
struct Times <: CompositeKernel
Times(left, right) = Times(left, right, size(left) + size(right) + 1)
function eval_cov(node::Times, x1, x2)
eval_cov(node.left, x1, x2) * eval_cov(node.right, x1, x2)
function eval_cov_mat(node::Times, xs::Vector{Float64})
eval_cov_mat(node.left, xs) .* eval_cov_mat(node.right, xs)
eval_cov_mat (generic function with 6 methods)
More helper functions for evaluating covariances:
"""Compute covariance matrix by evaluating function on each pair of inputs."""
function compute_cov_matrix(covariance_fn::Kernel, noise, xs)
n = length(xs)
cov_matrix = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n, n)
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
cov_matrix[i, j] = eval_cov(covariance_fn, xs[i], xs[j])
cov_matrix[i, i] += noise
return cov_matrix
"""Compute covariance function by recursively computing covariance matrices."""
function compute_cov_matrix_vectorized(covariance_fn, noise, xs)
n = length(xs)
eval_cov_mat(covariance_fn, xs) + Matrix(noise * LinearAlgebra.I, n, n)
Computes the conditional mean and covariance of a Gaussian process with prior mean zero
and prior covariance function `covariance_fn`, conditioned on noisy observations
`Normal(f(xs), noise * I) = ys`, evaluated at the points `new_xs`.
function compute_predictive(covariance_fn::Kernel, noise::Float64,
xs::Vector{Float64}, ys::Vector{Float64},
n_prev = length(xs)
n_new = length(new_xs)
means = zeros(n_prev + n_new)
cov_matrix = compute_cov_matrix(covariance_fn, noise, vcat(xs, new_xs))
cov_matrix_11 = cov_matrix[1:n_prev, 1:n_prev]
cov_matrix_22 = cov_matrix[n_prev+1:n_prev+n_new, n_prev+1:n_prev+n_new]
cov_matrix_12 = cov_matrix[1:n_prev, n_prev+1:n_prev+n_new]
cov_matrix_21 = cov_matrix[n_prev+1:n_prev+n_new, 1:n_prev]
@assert cov_matrix_12 == cov_matrix_21'
mu1 = means[1:n_prev]
mu2 = means[n_prev+1:n_prev+n_new]
conditional_mu = mu2 + cov_matrix_21 * (cov_matrix_11 \ (ys - mu1))
conditional_cov_matrix = cov_matrix_22 - cov_matrix_21 * (cov_matrix_11 \ cov_matrix_12)
conditional_cov_matrix = 0.5 * conditional_cov_matrix + 0.5 * conditional_cov_matrix'
(conditional_mu, conditional_cov_matrix)
Predict output values for some new input values
function predict_ys(covariance_fn::Kernel, noise::Float64,
xs::Vector{Float64}, ys::Vector{Float64},
(conditional_mu, conditional_cov_matrix) = compute_predictive(
covariance_fn, noise, xs, ys, new_xs)
mvnormal(conditional_mu, conditional_cov_matrix)
A prior over kernel programs
Our goal will be to infer a covariance kernel program that explains our time series. To do this, we begin by placing a prior over covariance kernels. The main ingredient will be the following distribution over Kernel Types:
kernel_types = [Constant, Linear, SquaredExponential, Periodic, Plus, Times]
@dist choose_kernel_type() = kernel_types[categorical([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1])];
It is essentially a categorical distribution, but one that outputs kernel types instead of integers.
We then write a prior over kernels that uses choose_kernel_type
- It first samples a parent kernel type using our
distribution. - If the kernel is
, it recursively calls itself to generate two sub-kernels (called:left
), and returns the composite kernel. - If the kernel is a primitive, then it samples the parameters from
uniform(0, 1)
distributions. (Note thatPeriodic
kernels have two parameters, unlike the others, so we handle it specially.)
# Prior on kernels
@gen function covariance_prior()
# Choose a type of kernel
kernel_type ~ choose_kernel_type()
# If this is a composite node, recursively generate subtrees
if in(kernel_type, [Plus, Times])
return kernel_type({:left} ~ covariance_prior(), {:right} ~ covariance_prior())
# Otherwise, generate parameters for the primitive kernel.
kernel_args = (kernel_type == Periodic) ? [{:scale} ~ uniform(0, 1), {:period} ~ uniform(0, 1)] : [{:param} ~ uniform(0, 1)]
return kernel_type(kernel_args...)
Let’s look at some sampled kernel programs from the model:
for i=1:10
Plus(Times(SquaredExponential(0.3128291205504753), Constant(0.7321619602703335), 3), Constant(0.4399328646448254), 5)
Times(Linear(0.06989285794696898), Periodic(0.9795422253196187, 0.5508470640038998), 3)
We see that there’s a bias towards shorter programs. (Do you see why this is?) But we also see that longer programs are possible, including programs that include multiple Times
or Plus
Adding a likelihood to obtain a complete model
We now connect the kernel program to the observed data, by using it to compute a covariance matrix and sampling from a multivariate normal distribution.
@dist gamma_bounded_below(shape, scale, bound) = gamma(shape, scale) + bound
# Full model
@gen function model(xs::Vector{Float64})
# Generate a covariance kernel
covariance_fn = {:tree} ~ covariance_prior()
# Sample a global noise level
noise ~ gamma_bounded_below(1, 1, 0.01)
# Compute the covariance between every pair (xs[i], xs[j])
cov_matrix = compute_cov_matrix_vectorized(covariance_fn, noise, xs)
# Sample from the GP using a multivariate normal distribution with
# the kernel-derived covariance matrix.
ys ~ mvnormal(zeros(length(xs)), cov_matrix)
# Return the covariance function, for easy printing.
return covariance_fn
Let’s visualize a collection of traces from the model:
function visualize_gp_trace(tr, xmin, xmax; title="")
curveXs = collect(Float64, range(xmin, length=100, stop=xmax))
data_xs, = get_args(tr)
data_ys = tr[:ys]
curveYs = [predict_ys(get_retval(tr), 0.000001, data_xs, data_ys, curveXs) for i=1:50]
fig = plot()
for (i, curveYSet) in enumerate(curveYs)
plot!(curveXs, curveYSet, title=title, xlims=(xmin, xmax), label=nothing, color="lightgreen")
scatter!(data_xs, data_ys, color="black", label=nothing)
visualize_gp_trace (generic function with 1 method)
traces = [first(generate(model, (collect(Float64, -1:0.1:1),))) for i in 1:12]
plot([visualize_gp_trace(t, -1, 1) for t in traces]...)
As we can see, many different patterns can be expressed in the kernel language we developed. Depending on the noise level, these patterns (green) may be more or less evident in the generated dataset (gray).
5. A tree regeneration proposal
We will use MCMC to find good covariance functions given a dataset.
First, we write a helper to generate an initial trace for a set of xs
and ys
function initialize_trace(xs::Vector{Float64}, ys::Vector{Float64})
tr, = generate(model, (xs,), choicemap(:ys => ys))
return tr
initialize_trace (generic function with 1 method)
Next, we write a helper generative function that randomly chooses a node
in a kernel program’s syntax tree. It starts at the root, and flips a coin
(at the address :stop
) to decide whether to stop at the current node,
or to descend further down the tree. (If it reaches a leaf node, it’s done,
and :stop
is true
with 100% probability. Otherwise, the coin is fair.)
The generative function returns a hierarchical address specifying where the chosen node was sampled in the trace of the model. (This is for convenience later on.)
@gen function random_node_path(n::Kernel)
if ({:stop} ~ bernoulli(isa(n, PrimitiveKernel) ? 1.0 : 0.5))
return :tree
(next_node, direction) = ({:left} ~ bernoulli(0.5)) ? (n.left, :left) : (n.right, :right)
rest_of_path ~ random_node_path(next_node)
if isa(rest_of_path, Pair)
return :tree => direction => rest_of_path[2]
return :tree => direction
To understand how this works, let’s generate a sample model trace.
(To make things interesting, we’ll generate one where the first
kernel node is guaranteed to be Plus
example_model_trace, = generate(model, ([0.],), choicemap((:tree => :kernel_type) => Plus));
├── :ys : [-0.16551714226301154]
├── :noise : 1.0084446525282782
└── :tree
├── :kernel_type : Plus
├── :left
│ │
│ ├── :period : 0.3586632926225337
│ │
│ ├── :scale : 0.05375092729376396
│ │
│ └── :kernel_type : Periodic
└── :right
├── :kernel_type : Times
├── :left
│ │
│ ├── :param : 0.12983877887086115
│ │
│ └── :kernel_type : Constant
└── :right
├── :period : 0.07581966749235347
├── :scale : 0.4589122385466031
└── :kernel_type : Periodic
The returned covariance kernel program is:
example_covariance_kernel = get_retval(example_model_trace)
Plus(Constant(0.5585591040578786), Plus(Constant(0.3575948653350105), Linear(0.28010254366322307), 3), 5)
Now, we can run our random node chooser:
random_node_chooser_trace = simulate(random_node_path, (example_covariance_kernel,));
Its return value is a path to a node in our model:
:tree => :right
Its trace shows how it arrived at this path.
├── :left : false
├── :stop : false
└── :rest_of_path
└── :stop : true
Feel free to run the cells above a few times to get a hang for what’s going on.
An involution proposal for tree regeneration
We will use random_node_path
to implement a random subtree regeneration proposal.
It will:
- Choose a node using
. - Generate a brand new tree, using
, to replace the subtree at the chosen node.
We begin by writing the “proposal randomness” function:
@gen function regen_random_subtree_randomness(prev_trace)
path ~ random_node_path(get_retval(prev_trace))
new_subtree ~ covariance_prior()
return path
And now we write the involution. Recall that the third argument
that the involution accepts is the proposal return value, in our
case, a model address (like :tree => :left
) corresponding to where
a particular node and its children (i.e., a subtree) were generated
in the model trace.
function subtree_involution(trace, forward_choices, path_to_subtree, proposal_args)
# Need to return a new trace, backward_choices, and a weight.
backward_choices = choicemap()
# In the backward direction, the `random_node_path` function should
# make all the same choices, so that the same exact node is reached
# for resimulation.
set_submap!(backward_choices, :path, get_submap(forward_choices, :path))
# But in the backward direction, the `:new_subtree` generation should
# produce the *existing* subtree.
set_submap!(backward_choices, :new_subtree, get_submap(get_choices(trace), path_to_subtree))
# The new trace should be just like the old one, but we are updating everything
# about the new subtree.
new_trace_choices = choicemap()
set_submap!(new_trace_choices, path_to_subtree, get_submap(forward_choices, :new_subtree))
# Run update and get the new weight.
new_trace, weight, = update(trace, get_args(trace), (UnknownChange(),), new_trace_choices)
(new_trace, backward_choices, weight)
subtree_involution (generic function with 1 method)
We’ll run our MCMC on a dataset of airline passenger volume over a number of years.
# load airline data set #
import CSV
using DataFrames: DataFrame
using StatsBase: mean
function get_airline_dataset()
df = CSV.read("$(@__DIR__)/airline.csv", DataFrame)
xs = collect(df[!, 1])
ys = collect(df[!, 2])
xs .-= minimum(xs) # set x minimum to 0.
xs /= maximum(xs) # scale x so that maximum is at 1.
ys .-= mean(ys) # set y mean to 0.
ys *= 4 / (maximum(ys) - minimum(ys)) # make it fit in the window [-2, 2]
return (xs, ys)
get_airline_dataset (generic function with 1 method)
(xs, ys) = get_airline_dataset();
Let’s run it:
function run_mcmc(trace, frames::Int, iters_per_frame::Int)
viz = @animate for frame=1:frames
for iter in iters_per_frame
trace, = mh(trace, regen_random_subtree_randomness, (), subtree_involution)
trace, = mh(trace, select(:noise))
visualize_gp_trace(trace, minimum(xs), maximum(xs); title="Iter $(frame*iters_per_frame)/$(frames*iters_per_frame)")
println("Score: $(get_score(trace))")
println("Final program:")
run_mcmc (generic function with 1 method)
t = initialize_trace(xs, ys);
run_mcmc(t, 100, 100)
Score: -44.59176091132636
Final program:
Times(SquaredExponential(0.06556837485051303), Periodic(0.5470465932584914, 0.517053398430324), 3)