Particle Filtering and Sequential Monte Carlo

Gen.jl provides support for Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) inference in the form of particle filtering. The state of a particle filter is a represented as a ParticleFilterState object.


Represents the state of a particle filter as a collection of weighted traces, where the type of each trace is U.


  • traces: A vector of traces, one for each particle.
  • new_traces: A preallocated vector for storing new traces.
  • log_weights: A vector of log importance weights for each trace.
  • log_ml_est: Estimate of the log marginal likelihood before the last resampling step.
  • parents: The parent indices of each trace in traces.

The fields above are an implementation detail that are subject to future changes.


Particle Filtering Steps

The basic steps of particle filtering are initialization (via initialize_particle_filter), updating (via particle_filter_step!), and resampling (via maybe_resample!). The latter two operations are applied to a ParticleFilterState, modifying it in place.

state = initialize_particle_filter(model::GenerativeFunction, model_args::Tuple,
    observations::ChoiceMap, proposal::GenerativeFunction, proposal_args::Tuple,

Initialize the state of a particle filter using a custom proposal for the initial latent state.

state = initialize_particle_filter(model::GenerativeFunction, model_args::Tuple,
    observations::ChoiceMap, num_particles::Int)

Initialize the state of a particle filter, using the default proposal for the initial latent state.

(log_incremental_weights,) = particle_filter_step!(
    state::ParticleFilterState, new_args::Tuple, argdiffs,
    observations::ChoiceMap, proposal::GenerativeFunction, proposal_args::Tuple)

Perform a particle filter update, where the model arguments are adjusted, new observations are added, and some combination of a custom proposal and the model's internal proposal is used for proposing new latent state. That is, for each particle,

  • The proposal function proposal is evaluated with arguments Tuple(t_old, proposal_args...) (where t_old is the old model trace), and produces its own trace (call it proposal_trace); and
  • The old model trace is replaced by a new model trace (call it t_new).

The choicemap of t_new satisfies the following conditions:

  1. get_choices(t_old) is a subset of get_choices(t_new);
  2. observations is a subset of get_choices(t_new);
  3. get_choices(proposal_trace) is a subset of get_choices(t_new).

Here, when we say one choicemap a is a "subset" of another choicemap b, we mean that all keys that occur in a also occur in b, and the values at those addresses are equal.

It is an error if no trace t_new satisfying the above conditions exists in the support of the model (with the new arguments). If such a trace exists, then the random choices not determined by the above requirements are sampled using the internal proposal.

(log_incremental_weights,) = particle_filter_step!(
    state::ParticleFilterState, new_args::Tuple, argdiffs,

Perform a particle filter update, where the model arguments are adjusted, new observations are added, and the default proposal is used for new latent state.

did_resample::Bool = maybe_resample!(state::ParticleFilterState;
    ess_threshold::Float64=length(state.traces)/2, verbose=false)

Do a resampling step if the effective sample size is below the given threshold. Return true if a resample thus occurred, false otherwise.



The following accessor functions can be used to return information about a ParticleFilterState, or to sample traces from the distribution that the particle filter approximates.

estimate = log_ml_estimate(state::ParticleFilterState)

Return the particle filter's current estimate of the log marginal likelihood.

traces = get_traces(state::ParticleFilterState)

Return the vector of traces in the current state, one for each particle.

log_weights = get_log_weights(state::ParticleFilterState)

Return the vector of log weights for the current state, one for each particle.

The weights are not normalized, and are in log-space.

traces::Vector = sample_unweighted_traces(state::ParticleFilterState, num_samples::Int)

Sample a vector of num_samples traces from the weighted collection of traces in the given particle filter state.


Advanced Particle Filtering

For a richer set of particle filtering techniques, including support for stratified sampling, multiple resampling methods, MCMC rejuvenation moves, particle filter resizing, users are recommended to use the GenParticleFilters.jl extension library.

To use the generalization of standard SMC known as Sequential Monte Carlo with Probabilistic Program Proposals (SMCP³), use the API provided by GenSMCP3.jl, or implement an UpdatingTraceTranslator in GenParticleFilters.jl.

Even more advanced SMC techniques (such as divide-and-conquer SMC) are not currently supported by Gen.